
Hard disks with S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) try to predict their lifespan. The smartd deamon monitors the SMART status of all SMART-capable drives and allows for adequate reporting.

The module

The SMART Drive Status module in Webmin provides users with an interface to view the health and other attributes of their drives using the SMART system. This technology is present in most modern hard drives and SSDs and allows users to predict drive failures and take necessary precautions.


Using the SMART Drive Status module, users can get a quick overview of the health and details of their drives. The data presented is fetched using the SMART system of the drive, ensuring it’s accurate and up-to-date.


  1. Predictive Analysis: With SMART data, users can predict potential drive failures. If the drive starts showing signs of wear or issues, it might be time to replace it or back up data.
  2. Easy Access: Instead of using command-line tools, Webmin provides a GUI interface to view SMART data, making it more accessible to those who may not be as familiar with the Linux command line.
  3. Multiple Drives: Users with multiple drives in their system can view the status of each one in a consolidated table, making it easier to manage and monitor.

This module is especially beneficial for system administrators who want to keep a proactive check on the health of the drives in their systems and take necessary actions in case of any potential issues.