Functions from backup config module

Functions for creating configuration file backups. Some example code:

my @backups = backup_config::list_backups();
my ($apache_backup) = grep { $_->{'mods'} eq 'apache' } @backups;
$apache_backup->{'dest'} = '/tmp/apache.tar.gz';

Returns details of all modules that allow backups, each of which is a hash ref in the same format as returned by get_module_info.


Returns a list of all configured backups, each of which is a hash ref with at least the following keys:

  • mods - Space-separate list of modules to include
  • dest - Destination file, FTP or SSH server
  • configfile - Set to 1 if /etc/webmin/modulename files are included
  • nofiles - Set to 1 if server config files (like httpd.conf) are not included
  • others - A tab-separated list of other files to include
  • email -Email address to notify
  • emode - Set to 0 to send email only on failure, 1 to always send
  • sched - Set to 1 if regular scheduled backups are enabled
  • mins,hours,days,months,weekdays - Cron-style specification of backup time

Given a unique backup ID, returns a hash ref containing its details, in the same format as list_backups.


Given a hash ref containing backup details, saves them to disk. Must be in the same format as returned by list_backups, except for the ID which will be randomly assigned if missing.


Deletes the backup whose details are in the given hash ref.


Converts a URL like ftp:// or a filename into its components. These are user, pass, host, page, port (optional)

show_backup_destination(name, value, [local-mode])

Returns HTML for a field for selecting a local or FTP file.

parse_backup_destination(name, &in)

Returns a backup destination string, or calls error.

execute_backup(&modules, dest, &size, &files, include-webmin, exclude-files, &others)

Backs up the configuration files for the modules to the selected destination. The backup is simply a tar file of config files. Returns undef on success, or an error message on failure.

execute_restore(&mods, source, &files, apply)

Restore configuration files from the specified source for the listed modules. Returns undef on success, or an error message.

scp_copy(source, dest, password, &error, [port])

Copies a file from some source to a destination. One or the other can be a server, like user@foo:/path/to/bar/


Given a hash ref containing backup details, finds cron job that runs it.

nice_dest(destination, [subdates])

Returns a backup filename in a human-readable format, with dates substituted.


Given a string with strftime-style format characters in it like %Y and %S, replaces them with the correct values for the current date and time.

show_backup_what(name, webmin?, nofiles?, others)

Returns HTML for selecting what gets included in a backup.

parse_backup_what(name, &in)

Returns the webmin and _nofiles_flags, and a tab-separated list of other files to include.


Given a directory, return a list of full paths to all files within it.